Crocodiles are apex predators and are vital to the balance within an ecosystem. Due to their territorial nature, relocation of crocodiles is rarely a long term solution to any problems one may be experiencing as the croc will likely return or another will take its place. Follow these tips, and safely coexist with these magnificent animals..

Raccoons are seen as a pest. The masked trash pandas can steal pets food, make a mess with your garbage, and turn a hole in your wall into their home or even worse, their bathroom. Poison eradication is grossly inhumane, and trapping the entire family for relocation is unlikely. Besides, raccoons like everything else have their place in the environment and jobs they excel at. In rural areas, raccoons will help with the distribution of seeds, feeding on plants and fruits and carrying those seeds with them until "nature calls". When they dig for worms and insects they turn over the soil, promoting decomposition and plant recruitment. And they are of course also prey items for larger predators such as big cats, snakes, crocs, and birds of prey. In urban settings, raccoons are a form of pest control, feeding on frogs, toads, snakes, rats, and wasp larvae.
If you've been having issues with raccoons in your area, follow these steps and you should see your problems solved.

There are few animals that conjure up as much fear or hatred as snakes. But out of 60+ species of snakes found in Belize, only 8 are venomous and are just as afraid of you as you are of them. We're far too big for any snake to eat, so they won't waste energy attacking unless provoked. Leave them alone, give them their space, and they will move off on their own accord. Follow these simple tips to lower your chances of having snakes around your home.

Ambergris Caye is home to the Furrowed Wood Turtles, a semi-terrestrial species native to the island. Â
They're a freshwater species and a common sighting during rainy season. But due to there being no consistent fresh water sources, they spend most of their time during dry season buried, only surfacing during times of rain to quench their thirst.Â
When found wandering around away from wooded or forested areas, they are in search of food, mates, and nesting grounds. If in the road, help them across, but don't take them home or move them. A turtle moved away from its territory will be put in danger crossing roads and unfamiliar territory as it tries to make its way home.